Consumer Technology Trends for 2015

The annual Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is a highly-anticipated event where you can see what’s in and promising in consumer technology. The show provides a peek at some of the coolest, fun, and sometimes crazy products being made and gives a realistic idea of where the consumer technology industry in heading.
Given that the show happens early in January every year, it is a key event that in some ways defines the industry for the year ahead. The 2015 CES was no exception, and a look at some of the stand-out products in the show indicates which consumer technologies will dominate the market this year.
Wearable computing is still high up on the list. Although wearable computing has been in the market for at least a couple of years, its acceptance among users still has a long way to go. A wearable drone used to take selfies was one of the devices demonstrated at CES that drew a lot of attention.
Drones appear to be picking up steam in diverse areas. If your exposure to drones has so far been limited to what Amazon has been attempting to do, this year will seem like a breakthrough for drones in wearables and entertainment.
Products centered on virtual reality, robots, and sensors were also in the limelight at CES. A report by the Consumer Electronics Association mentions Big Data, the rise of machines, digital health, entertainment, and immersive content as some of the key technology trends to watch for, and the products on display at CES fall in line with these predictions.
Big Data has been in the limelight for a few years now and is more mature than some of the others, such as wearable computing. Some analysts predict Big Data won’t fully mature for at least a few more years, while others expect 2015 to be a breakthrough year.
The landscape for these trends will be filled with challenges, especially when it comes to factors such as their performance, security, privacy, and global availability. But what we have seen at CES is very exciting, and with the right level of excitement and due diligence from consumers, this could be another defining year in how digital technology continues to shape the consumer market in positive ways.