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Test Automation Cannot Be an Afterthought In software testing, automation can be viewed as an editor, of sorts. Previously, manual testers had to be extremely thorough to guarantee quality since they were the final check before products got into the hands of users. Now, testers can lean on automation tools to catch any bugs that might have been missed. |
Breaking the Cycle of Bad Scrum When practiced well, Scrum can empower people, teams, and organizations to solve complex problems and deliver value to their customers. But bad Scrum does the opposite. If team members or leaders don't embrace Scrum values, it can be oppressive and create tension. Here's how you can prevent bad Scrum from taking hold. |
Why Frequently Delivering Working Software Is Crucial to Agile While completing documentation is often an indication that some progress has been made, until software has been implemented, tested, and approved by a customer, the amount of progress cannot be measured. Here are some common reasons agile teams fail to frequently deliver working software—and how to avoid them. |
What It Takes to Be an Effective Leader in Software Testing Similar to the discussion of “How much test automation do I need?” the answer often depends on your team’s makeup and what sort of product you’re making. There isn’t a perfect equation, but there are still general, proven qualities that lead to better software and happier software testers. |
How to Keep Employee Engagement High on Difficult Projects Having engaged employees is about more than having happy workers. Research shows that engagement is also one of the most important factors for giving a company a competitive edge. This is why it is so important to identify issues of demotivation and act on them as soon as possible in order to keep employees motivated. |
Skills and Attributes Agile Testers Need to Thrive Communication is more important than ever, with developers and testers working together more closely. You can no longer think of the “development” and “testing” stages as diametrically opposed sides of the process—in order to succeed, developers and testers need to communicate and work as a unit. |
Fitting Specialists into Your Scrum Team While you may try to create Scrum teams composed entirely of people with T-shaped skills, you might still have gaps in certain specialized areas. Consider forming “specialist teams” to organize experts in the areas that require certain skills. You can have these specialists temporarily become part of your Scrum team. |
A Lean, Flexible Measurement Dashboard for Agile and DevOps If you’re moving from a more traditional software development approach to agile and DevOps, or if you’re struggling with implementing metrics, consider reviewing, revising, and refining your measurements. Leave those that add no value behind and look at a monitoring system that has these five essential categories. |