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Great Testing Comes from Great Questions Testing is all about gathering information, and the most direct way to gather information is by asking questions. The more questions we ask (tests we perform), the more answers we receive (information we gain). But some questions are harder than others and require more human involvement. Let automation handle the easy! |
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Building Good Scrum Habits Building good habits is an important part of an effective Scrum team. Habits are a form of automation: The more basic processes we can automate, the more we can focus our energy on hard things. The Scrum process, with its focus on rituals, helps us by providing a framework for collaboration and making it second nature. |
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Automation Face-Off: A Conversation with Michael Bolton, Isabel Evans, and Chris Loder Automation is a pressing topic. In a recent STARCANADA keynote session, industry experts Michael Bolton, Isabel Evans, and Chris Loder took to the conference stage to discuss some of the burning questions about automation from test professionals in the audience. Here’s a sample of their conversations. |
2 Ways to Standardize QA Practices Testing can get complicated when each project is using a completely different toolset, language, and reporting status, with different measurements and formats. Testing is a reaction to context and what we encounter, so how we test cannot be standardized. What we can standardize is the stuff that surrounds the testing. |
Getting Support for the Tests You Need Done It’s often hard for teams to get sufficient time and resources for the amount and quality of tests they think are needed. It’s like management wants testing done but at the same time doesn’t want to commit what’s needed to do it. If that's your case, look at the business side, rank priorities, and negotiate resources. |
Rethinking Your Measurement and Metrics for Agile and DevOps In their transition to agile and DevOps, many teams forget they also need to update their measurement and metrics plan. Some measurements and metrics from the traditional waterfall software development lifecycle may remain useful, but many may not provide value—and some may even adversely impact progress toward goals. |