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Using Open Source Tools for Security Testing Performing a series of security tests before deployment of your application has become paramount. But that doesn't have to mean a suite of costly tools. Plenty of open source security testing tools have become viable options. Here's why you should consider open source tools for your different types of security testing. |
Rebuilding Your Test Strategy If testing is taking awhile and a lot of bugs are getting into production, it's a good idea to review your entire test strategy. Spend some time understanding the current process and what testing is happening through the dev process—not what is outlined in a process wiki, but the work that actually happens. |
4 Reasons to Use Cloud Testing for Digital Transformation Cloud computing makes data access more reliable and efficient, with less administration effort required, so testing in the cloud can accelerate your digital transformation. This helps guarantee quality and decrease time to market. Here are four more reasons to consider cloud testing for your digital transformation. |
Top 10 TechWell Insights Stories of 2018 Many teams are embracing new practices, and several of last year's most-read stories reflect that, with topics such as AI, DevOps, and continuous testing. But it looks like lots of teams also want to get back to basics, because guides to tried-and-true agile and testing methods also ranked high. Check out the roundup. |
Protect Your Software through Threat Modeling Many software organizations are overwhelmed with a laundry list of vulnerabilities. They often have no idea where to start, how to determine prioritization, and whether or not those vulnerabilities accurately represent the threats to our applications, users, and data. Threat modeling is a simple yet effective solution. |
Testing the Ethics of AI AI is a double-edged sword. When it's being used in situations involving sensitive personal data, such as health care, banking and finance, and real estate, security is of the utmost importance—and so are ethical implications. It’s up to testers to mitigate risks and make sure AI is used responsibly. |
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5 Reasons You Should Have More Unit Tests The test pyramid is a valuable visual in agile. In particular, it argues that unit tests should make up the majority of tests, and while agile teams recite this principle, it is often not clear why it is so important. Here are five reasons unit tests should make up the majority of tests written for an application. |