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Testers Are Facing Unrealistic Expectations about Test Automation The last thing managers want to hear is that the money they’re investing in automation tools isn’t going to make everything instantly easier. But it takes time, patience, and a general understanding of the different processes involved to make test automation work for everyone involved. |
3 Reasons Testers Shouldn’t Be Afraid of AI How do testers contribute in agile? DevOps? Should testing tools and automation replace most things that manual testers do? At this point, testers are almost required to hold their breath whenever people start talking about new trends, and artificial intelligence is no different. |
What's in the Spring 2018 Issue of Better Software Magazine The Spring 2018 issue of Better Software magazine is now available, and it's got a great mix of foundational basics and cutting-edge techniques. This roundup describes the featured articles about DevOps, service virtualization, Scrum, test automation strategies, and testing for the internet of things. |
Is There a Bias against Manual Testers? Manual testing might not be as all-important as it once was, but it’s still needed if you have any hope of delivering software at a quality you can be proud of. How we create software is going to continue to change, but the burden of that change needs to be handled by more than one group within the industry. |
How to Get Started Automating Your API Tests When designing a test automation strategy, an area that is often overlooked is automating API testing. API test scripts are faster and easier to write than other types of scripts and can be fairly simple tests. An added benefit is that API testing can be included in your continuous integration tools for quick feedback. |
At What Point Will Automation Take Over Manual Testing? Better automation tools, the evolution of AI, AVM, visual testing—what’s going to make automation continue to spread through teams is the improvement of all the different solutions out there. And what should be encouraging to testers is the fact that just about every option requires smart, educated testers. |
Elevate Code Quality by Integrating Testing and Development Pair programming generally involves two programmers working on a single change from start to finish. You can augment this pattern by adding a test specialist, so you can test-drive feature changes first and the tester can ask questions and guide test and code design. What you get is quality built in from the start. |
What’s Our Job When the Machines Do Testing? It’s a safe bet that testing jobs won't be taken over by machines anytime soon. However, those of us in the test industry would be wise to heed cross-industry applications of analytics and machine learning and begin staking out the proper role of the machine in our testing domain. What could AI mean for testing? |