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Testing in a Pair Programming Environment If a development team does pair programming, where does testing fit in? You don't have to wait until the programming is done—testers can be part of the whole process, from code design to reviewing changes to production. Pair programming plus a good automation strategy mean quality is built in throughout development. |
Software Testing Trends for 2018 The software testing trends that are being predicted for the new year are all over the place. Rajini Padmanban looks at the predicted trends for software testing while also examining what she is already seeing as the common requests and needs in the field. |
What's in the Winter 2018 Issue of Better Software Magazine As Better Software magazine continues to publish articles that propel our industry forward with great tips and techniques, TechWell sees the future focused on continuous processes. Three of this issue's feature articles will help you improve how enterprise software is planned, developed, validated, and released. |
Continuous Exploratory Testing: Expanding Critical Testing across the Delivery Cycle Continuous testing entails executing automated tests to obtain rapid feedback on business risks. Where does that leave exploratory testing? Obviously, it doesn’t make sense to repeat the same exploratory tests across and beyond a sprint, but exploratory testing can be a continuous part of each software delivery cycle. |
Why Musicians Can Make for the Best Testers Testers need to be both creative and analytical, and those are two features that are very common in musicians. Sure, it might not be writing code, but we’re learning more and more that the building blocks and innate qualities that make for good testers can be more important than the testing skills themselves. |
What We Talk about When We Talk about Test Automation Testers talking about test automation often mean browser automation. Developers are probably talking about unit testing or something at the service layer. And operations people are most likely thinking of monitoring and the guts that control continuous integration. But the practices are more important than terminology. |
The Role of Testers on Agile Teams Some agile teams have so fully embraced the idea of the development team owning quality that they don't hire anyone with a testing background, instead making software engineers responsible for all phases of quality. Still, testers add value to a team in many ways that don’t involve test execution. Where do they fit in? |
Test Automation Cannot Be an Afterthought In software testing, automation can be viewed as an editor, of sorts. Previously, manual testers had to be extremely thorough to guarantee quality since they were the final check before products got into the hands of users. Now, testers can lean on automation tools to catch any bugs that might have been missed. |