How to Choose the Right Test Cases to Maximize Efficiency

Making great software isn't easy, and it takes a substantial amount of testing in order to successfully meet user quality standards. However, just throwing test cases at a project isn't the best way to thoroughly evaluate projects. Each application is different and therefore will need a unique set of tests, but teams will also see some extent of overlapping scripts that can be reused. By choosing the right test cases and using test design techniques, quality assurance teams will be able to maximize their efficiency and improve the overall capabilities of their programs.
Before understanding how to determine the best tests, it's important to know what exactly a test design is. Decisions about what to test, how to stimulate the system, and how the software should react are all considerations that are built into the test design, according to a white paper by Conformiq chief scientist Kimmo Nupponen. Test design techniques rely on algorithms to identify test scenarios and develop test cases. These methods can include approaches like cause-effect tables, use-case testing, branch coverage, and path testing.
"The basic idea is that a test design technique helps us to identify a 'good' subset of test cases from infinitely many," Nupponen wrote. "Focusing only on one particular test design technique is therefore not really enough, as each technique is good at identifying only certain types of issues with the implementation while being hopeless in finding some others. It is really up to you the tester to select the best set of techniques for identifying the test cases that meet your testing requirements coverage and goals."
Each project has a unique set of requirements and user expectations attached to it. Teams should start with these areas to determine what test cases will be necessary. For example, a customer relationship management system will have a significantly different list of needs than a banking application. Figuring out where projects overlap, such as login capabilities, could be essential to cutting down on time needed to create tests for these features. Software Testing Class suggested writing test cases early on in the software's lifecycle. The results of this could lead to other effective test cases and fit well into test automation integration efforts.
It's also important to note that once teams decide on test cases, their job does not end there. They must constantly monitor and review these cases to ensure that they are still effective. If not, teams must rework the script, write a new one, or delete the test. This will be important to maximizing efficiency and ensuring that testing always accommodates user requirements. Software testing metrics are a good indicator for if a test case is pulling its weight. If teams see sudden increases or oversights in defect coverage, this could mean that a test case needs to be modified.
Teams are increasingly faced with choices to help make their operations better. Throwing every test case in the book at a project isn't practical or necessary. By understanding test design techniques and what to look for in a good test case, teams can choose the ones right for their requirements and improve their testing efficiency.
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