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Preventing Boring Test Syndrome in Your Automation Boring tests are easy to spot: A good rule is if you start feeling sleepy after a few minutes of looking at them. Although routine tests may still find quality issues, having to write them will not encourage a tester to be creative in challenging the application. Here are some ways to make tests more interesting. |
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4 DevOps Antipatterns to Avoid While lots of organizations are making good progress with DevOps, there are others that have fallen prey to common DevOps antipatterns. Signs usually include a slowdown or stopping of progress toward a fully collaborative organization operating at a high velocity. Here are four DevOps antipatterns to watch out for. |
Building Security into DevOps: A Slack Takeover with Larry Maccherone Thought leaders from the software community are taking over the TechWell Hub to answer questions and engage in conversations. Larry Maccherone, senior director at Comcast, hosted this Slack takeover and discussed what DevSecOps means, how to get started with security, and the changing role of security specialists. |