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A Holistic View of Test Coverage No single person on the team knows much about test coverage at a high level. Developers might understand it for parts of the code base they worked on. Testers might understand it for the last handful of features they tested. But neither is able to talk about test coverage in a meaningful way. We need a holistic view. |
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Open-Mindedness Is Revolutionizing Quality Engineering The most important element for revolutionizing quality engineering across the board—for testers, others in the product group, stakeholders, and even competitors—is an open mind toward quality. This means a willingness to consider new avenues toward pursuing quality, including techniques, roles, and attitudes. |
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Rebuilding Your Test Strategy If testing is taking awhile and a lot of bugs are getting into production, it's a good idea to review your entire test strategy. Spend some time understanding the current process and what testing is happening through the dev process—not what is outlined in a process wiki, but the work that actually happens. |
4 Reasons to Use Cloud Testing for Digital Transformation Cloud computing makes data access more reliable and efficient, with less administration effort required, so testing in the cloud can accelerate your digital transformation. This helps guarantee quality and decrease time to market. Here are four more reasons to consider cloud testing for your digital transformation. |