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Is Independent Testing Impacted by Increased Mobile App Development? Independent testing is done by those not directly involved in developing the software. The trend of developers covering the entire app development process is popular now, but there's concern regarding whether a rise in app development will adversely impact the positioning of independent testing. |
Why Problems Are Good Many large enterprise technology systems have suffered incidents that had significant impact to the customers as well as the firm itself. But experienced IT professionals know that learning from our mistakes is good, and so, too, is harnessing the lessons learned from a serious incident or problem. |
Part of the Pipeline: Why Continuous Testing Is Essential With the DevOps movement and push for continuous delivery, the way we have done test automation in the past must evolve. In continuous testing, tests are run as part the build pipeline so that every check-in and deployment is validated. Learn more to ensure your team can achieve continuous testing. |
The Potential for DevOps in Fighting Cyber Warfare Government hacking incidents have put cyber warfare in the news. DevOps actually presents an interesting arsenal. With DevOps, your systems have excellent environment monitoring and are cryptographically verifiable such that the slightest penetration or unauthorized change is immediately detected. |
DevOps Can Be Secure and Agile at the Same Time When it comes to DevOps, the goal is to move applications from development, to test, and then eventually to deployment as quickly and efficiently as possible. However, you can still be agile while having a safe, properly security-tested DevOps environment. |
How Testing Is Changing for the DevOps World The role of software testing and quality assurance is becoming increasingly important in a DevOps setup. This position has undergone a lot of change in the testing practices used, tools leveraged, and the shift in skill set and mindset of practitioners, and testers have a lot to learn from DevOps. |
Marriage Counseling and DevOps Some organizations suffer from a dysfunctional silo culture, with dev and ops working completely separate. Trying to solve problems can feel like marriage counseling, with each side failing to identify what to do to improve their relationship. Just as in counseling, what they need is communication. |
How Netflix Handles DevOps, Automation, and Security With code being deployed thousands of times per day, DevOps is Netflix’s best option. It’s a high-speed approach for a high-speed service in a high-speed industry, but with it comes various security risks. Jason Chan, a cloud security architect, looked to automation to solve any issues. |