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2 Ways to Standardize QA Practices Testing can get complicated when each project is using a completely different toolset, language, and reporting status, with different measurements and formats. Testing is a reaction to context and what we encounter, so how we test cannot be standardized. What we can standardize is the stuff that surrounds the testing. |
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Rethinking Your Measurement and Metrics for Agile and DevOps In their transition to agile and DevOps, many teams forget they also need to update their measurement and metrics plan. Some measurements and metrics from the traditional waterfall software development lifecycle may remain useful, but many may not provide value—and some may even adversely impact progress toward goals. |
Making DevOps Evolution Happen It takes effort to evolve an organization’s culture, processes, and technology to optimize performance for a DevOps environment, and it all comes down to the people. Large-scale mobilization requires a focus on people at all levels, empowering them to discover and make the changes that will help them most. Here's how. |
Smart Testers Adopt Smart Automation As technology continues to evolve, questions around the role of quality also continue. Is manual testing still required? What should the role of automation be? Where are we heading with quality? Smart testers hoping to develop their careers will have to brush up on their exposure and expertise and embrace automation. |
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