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The Role of Testers on Agile Teams Some agile teams have so fully embraced the idea of the development team owning quality that they don't hire anyone with a testing background, instead making software engineers responsible for all phases of quality. Still, testers add value to a team in many ways that don’t involve test execution. Where do they fit in? |
Test Automation Cannot Be an Afterthought In software testing, automation can be viewed as an editor, of sorts. Previously, manual testers had to be extremely thorough to guarantee quality since they were the final check before products got into the hands of users. Now, testers can lean on automation tools to catch any bugs that might have been missed. |
Measuring Objective Continuous Improvement in DevOps When you're beginning your DevOps journey, it is incredibly important to know where you are starting. You will want to know later on what progress you have made, and you won’t be able to figure that out unless you have benchmarks from the beginning. Here are six steps to objectively measure your continuous improvement. |
A Lean, Flexible Measurement Dashboard for Agile and DevOps If you’re moving from a more traditional software development approach to agile and DevOps, or if you’re struggling with implementing metrics, consider reviewing, revising, and refining your measurements. Leave those that add no value behind and look at a monitoring system that has these five essential categories. |
On Your Software Team, Who Should Own Automation? There is a prevalent question in the software world these days: Who should be working on automation—developers or testers? Justin Rohrman says it can be everyone's responsibility. It’s more important to look at the structure of your technical team, what skill sets are available, and what the skill distribution is. |
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Use Continuous Backlog Grooming to Refine Agile Requirements Continuous backlog grooming means systematically refining your user stories: breaking up larger stories, obtaining detailed requirements, writing the requirements in terms of acceptance criteria and acceptance tests, and sharing and refining these details with the team. Acceptance test-driven development can help. |
Lessons from the Lovable Losers on Optimizing Your Test Engine The Chicago Cubs’ championship win in 2016 signaled the end of the long-running debate on the use of analytics in Major League Baseball. Analytics had won. Meanwhile, the emergence of analytics in the business world has been just as swift. Is analytics the next generation of test automation? |