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Elevate Code Quality by Integrating Testing and Development Pair programming generally involves two programmers working on a single change from start to finish. You can augment this pattern by adding a test specialist, so you can test-drive feature changes first and the tester can ask questions and guide test and code design. What you get is quality built in from the start. |
Do Testers Really Need to Learn How to Code? Because automation, AI, and agile have changed how we test software, the thought is that testers need to understand a certain amount of coding so that they can make themselves more well-rounded and better able to adapt within a software project. But there are other things testers can focus on before learning to code. |
4 Key Factors Driving Digital Transformation There are so many strong reasons why digital transformation has become big, but many organizations are missing a major opportunity by simply running digital projects instead of fully transforming the organization itself—similar to doing some agile things without actually committing to being agile. |
Data Means Nothing if You Don’t Know How to Use, Analyze, and Interpret It Simply having data stowed away and ready to use when needed is great and all, but if you don’t have a smart strategy for how to not only analyze and interpret it, but also put it to proper use, then you may end up creating a connected ecosystem without a real purpose. |
Testing in a Pair Programming Environment If a development team does pair programming, where does testing fit in? You don't have to wait until the programming is done—testers can be part of the whole process, from code design to reviewing changes to production. Pair programming plus a good automation strategy mean quality is built in throughout development. |
A Tester’s Guide to Choosing a Programming Language Many testers want to learn a programming language, but how should they decide which one? Justin Rohrman suggests finding an authentic problem to solve and moving from there to determine which language would be best. You can also ask developer coworkers for suggestions and help—take advantage of available resources. |
Think through System Changes to Anticipate Quality Issues When you replace or significantly modify components of a larger system, too frequently we focus on whether the code we are building functions correctly. This is important, but it’s also short-sighted. It’s easy to introduce errors because we are changing interactions. Coding bugs are only one quality problem. |
Integrating Code in Agile Software Development: Start with the Goal in Mind Agile software development works because of continuous feedback at various levels, and the most important form of feedback is working software. One way to achieve rapid feedback is to integrate and deploy code frequently. Rather than starting with the process, first decide what "frequently" should mean for your team. |