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Girl Scout Cookie Sales Help Fund STEM Badges, Including Cybersecurity and Programming It's officially Girl Scout cookie season, and that means you’re doing a good thing when you buy those boxes of cookies. The Girl Scouts offer science- and technology-related badges and journeys to introduce girls to computer science, robotics, mechanical engineering, space exploration, and cybersecurity. |
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Solo Programming, Pairing, and Mobbing: Which Is Right for You? Programming often is considered an individual pursuit, but there are other options gaining popularity: pairing, where you work with another developer or tester, and mobbing, where the entire team works on one thing at a time. Each is effective for certain kinds of challenges. How much collaboration is right for you? |
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Code Katas for Testers A kata is a small programming task you build a solution to. The point is to develop programming skill through familiarity with programming patterns, which is a useful practice for testers today. You’ll learn about software development, testing, continuous integration, exploration—and even how to be a better person. |
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Mob Programming: Working Well Together Mob programming is a whole-team approach to creating software where everyone works together on the same thing at the same computer. It's not a bunch of people watching one person write code, but rather everyone thinking, discussing, designing, and collaborating. Sound crazy? Here's how it improves the quality of code. |
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Testing Your DevOps Is Just as Important as Testing Your Software Many DevOps engineers fail to test their automation code in the same way they test the software they deploy. It's crucial for software to have tests, and this should apply to infrastructure-as-code software too, if we plan to change and improve this code with no worries about breaking automation in our DevOps pipeline. |
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Elevate Code Quality by Integrating Testing and Development Pair programming generally involves two programmers working on a single change from start to finish. You can augment this pattern by adding a test specialist, so you can test-drive feature changes first and the tester can ask questions and guide test and code design. What you get is quality built in from the start. |
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Do Testers Really Need to Learn How to Code? Because automation, AI, and agile have changed how we test software, the thought is that testers need to understand a certain amount of coding so that they can make themselves more well-rounded and better able to adapt within a software project. But there are other things testers can focus on before learning to code. |
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Testing in a Pair Programming Environment If a development team does pair programming, where does testing fit in? You don't have to wait until the programming is done—testers can be part of the whole process, from code design to reviewing changes to production. Pair programming plus a good automation strategy mean quality is built in throughout development. |