Putting together a good performance test team is essential to success. Many of the issues related to performance can be identified early through static methods, or performance engineering. If the key technical players are continuously involved in the testing process, conflicts can be avoided later.
Dale Perry has 38 years experience in information technology. He has been a programmer/analyst, database administrator, project manager, development manager, tester, and test manager. He has also been a professional instructor for over 24 years and has presented at numerous industry conferences on development and testing. With Software Quality Engineering for eighteen years, Dale has specialized in training and consulting on testing, test techniques and methods, inspections and reviews, and other testing and quality related topics.
All Stories by Dale Perry
Discovering performance issues in early builds allows more time to correct the design. By including critical performance-related features and elements earlier, we can take advantage of the incremental nature of the development process to avoid creating engineering in potential performance issues.
We keep changing the names of the development processes we use, but we do not fix the fundamental error they all suffer from: the failure to set a date and control the scope of the project—including proper estimation of testing efforts. Customers and IT must work together to truly be successful.