For the novice the configuration management database (CMDB) can be a daunting task when considered in its entirety. To the seasoned pro and others, however, it might be viewed as a complete waste of resources. Joe Townsend looks at why the CMDB is praised—and yet reviled at the same time.
Joe Townsend has been in the configuration management field for twelve years. He has worked for CNA Life Insurance, RCA, Boeing, UPS, and in state government. Joe has primarily worked with Serena tools, including PVCS Version Manager, Tracker, TeamTrack (Mashups), and Dimensions. He is an administrator for WebFocus and supports Eclipse users.
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All Stories by Joe Townsend
Even in 2013 software professionals are still having difficulties getting good software requirements. Joe Townsend lists several handy resources on how to finally start writing quality software requirements.
Joe Townsend explores why IT professionals continue to succumb to project overload. The problem is not that we take on too much; the problem lies in the fact that we don’t manage our projects very well, and these repeated failures lead to overload as we can’t deliver what we promise.
Unfortunately, some projects fail, even when using an agile development methodology. Instead of just rehashing horror stories, Joe Townsend attempts to get to the bottom of why these failures occur.
Agile seems suited for smaller teams because of less bureaucracy and management overhead. So how do you implement, run, and achieve success with agile in larger efforts? The success or failure of scaling agile to large teams is based on your organization’s maturity as it applies to agile.
One of Scrum‘s basic techniques is the fifteen-minute standup meeting. Joe Townsend dives into the why this meeting is necessary, how it can help your agile team, and how you can get more from your fifteen minutes.
Joe Townsend explores whether or not a ScrumMaster can be considered a product manager and vice versa. The way the roles are defined (or evolving) should help you avoid potential conflict in your agile organization.