In the software world, QA is often treated as a synonym for testing, but its scope is far broader than that. Rick Scott explores his view of QA—figuring out what's interfering with the team's ability to deliver good software then finding ways to address it—and how others typically view QA.
Rick Scott is a Canadian philosopher-geek who's profoundly interested in how we can collaborate to make technology work better for everyone. Rick's an incorrigible idealist, an open source contributor, and a staunch believer in testing, universal access, and the hacker ethic. When he's not in front of a computer, you'll find Rick hiking, making cupcakes, or honing his viola technique.
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The common themes underlying many user experience problems boil down to forcing users to do work that the software should have done for them or assuming that software developers know better than users what they want or need. Rick Scott details his top five user experience pet peeves.
The subject of work-life balance seems to be a popular one, and there is increasing acknowledgement of what seems like an obvious fact: everyone's "work life" and "personal life" are interconnected.
Testing tools are a mixed blessing. The downside is that testing tools tend to constrain test thinking to the kind of testing they perform. Rick Scott makes the case that testers should fit the tools to the testing—not the other way around.
User experience (UX) is not solely about layout, colour themes, and pretty pixels. User experience is about making your product work well for your users. UX designers attempt to narrow the gap between what people expect your product to do and what it actually does.
When it comes to giving an engaging presentation, remember that you really do not need a groundbreaking discovery to craft a conference proposal. What you do need is a presentation that will help people learn something or see a topic from a new angle.
Test automation is a hot topic in the testing community and a perennial topic of debate. What doesn't seem to receive the same attention, though, is task automation: automating the repetitive, non-testing processes that testers have to waste their time on.