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Learning An Agile Mindset: Learning Early, Not Failing Fast

Agile encourages teams to continuously improve through learning. One of the phrases associated with this process is "failing fast"—trying new things and taking lessons from mistakes as you go. But Johanna Rothman thinks "learning early" is a better phrase. That change in terminology can give you a happier mindset.

Johanna Rothman's picture
Johanna Rothman
laptop with app icons The Difference between Software Testing and Hardware Testing

Hardware and software have become a necessary part of virtually every company and household, and the vendors that serve these audiences must ensure that their products work as they should. Sanjay Zalavadia looks at the difference between software testing and hardware testing.

Sanjay Zalavadia's picture
Sanjay Zalavadia
test tubes containing different colored liquids The Value of Experimentation in Testing

With new concepts, platforms, methodologies, and devices being introduced at a rapid rate, it’s critical to both initiate and establish a culture of experimentation within your testing team. You need to experiment and take risks in order to keep pace and hopefully surpass the competition.

Josiah Renaudin's picture
Josiah Renaudin
Problem and solution 3 Common Collaboration Problems for Teams Transitioning to Agile

A shift toward working in smaller teams on tighter releases forces organizations adopting agile to rethink what successful delivery looks like. It can be a big change for those used to silos. Here are three key symptoms of agile teams that don’t have close collaboration—and some solutions you can implement to fix them.

Kevin Dunne's picture
Kevin Dunne
Hierarchy Don’t Abolish Hierarchies—Change Them

Hierarchies often get a bad rap, and that’s understandable. Bad hierarchies can increase bureaucracy and get in the way of getting work done. But when done correctly, good hierarchies can streamline processes and provide organizations with some much-needed structure. You just need to rethink how hierarchies can work.

Steve Berczuk's picture
Steve Berczuk
Like a boss What to Do if You’re Promoted over Your Coworkers

Getting promoted is great, but when it means you'll have to manage your former coworkers, it can get awkward. It would be ideal if you could maintain the friendly, gossipy, tell-all relationship you’ve had with your ex-peers, but as a practical matter, you can’t. Here's how to handle the transition best for everyone.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
search engine search field Increased Accessibility Can Lead to Increased SEO

Sunil Dangwal provides tips for increasing your site's accessibility and explains why increasing your site's accessibilty can also increase your site's search engine optimization.

Sunil Dangwal's picture
Sunil Dangwal
world clocks The Importance of Testing in Conjunction

While it is important to have distinction between testing efforts to maintain specialization and core subject matter expertise, having overlap in test efforts—testing in conjunction—is becoming a common practice.

Rajini  Padmanaban's picture
Rajini Padmanaban