agile transition

Working Your Way Out of Large Technical Debt in a Small Project

When you transition to agile with a small project and you have a reasonably sized codebase, chances are quite good that you’ve been working on the product for a while. You have legacy code—and that code comes with technical debt. Johanna Rothman has ideas about how to work yourself out of it.

Johanna Rothman's picture
Johanna Rothman
Which Delivery Option Is Right for Your New Agile Program?

With agile, you have delivery model options you didn’t have before. You can do continuous deployment or phased deployment, or stick with a traditional rollout. There is no hands-down best model. What you choose should depend on what your team and your customers need. Here's how to figure that out.

Johanna Rothman's picture
Johanna Rothman
Four Steps to Managing Programs with Agile and Traditional Projects

You are a program manager with some agile projects and some traditional projects in the midst of an agile transition. How do you manage the program? You have to help the traditional project managers work in some new and different ways. Here are four steps to help the adjustment go more smoothly.

Johanna Rothman's picture
Johanna Rothman
Are Solo Agile Practices for You?

The road to agile is a difficult for many teams, leading some developers to wonder if they shouldn't just go about becoming agile on their own. The idea of solo agility has been around for a few years now, and—outside of "it's difficult"—many people can't find a reason not to give it a shot.

Noel Wurst's picture
Noel Wurst
Inertia Is Bad: How to Generate Momentum in Your Agile Program

In a large agile project or program, you know how hard it can be to keep things moving. To prevent inertia from slowing an agile program, there's one simple objective you can assign everyone at the start of an iteration to help the team build momentum. Read on for great advice from Johanna Rothman.

Johanna Rothman's picture
Johanna Rothman
World's Biggest Agile Development Project Collapses

The United Kingdom’s Universal Credit welfare system was once touted by its creators as a shining example of how agile can modernize old systems. Now, the department in charge of the program is reverting back to waterfall, and experts are saying that the world's biggest agile project has collapsed.

Jonathan Vanian's picture
Jonathan Vanian
When Are Lean Software Requirements Too Lean?

Most people know that agile doesn't completely eliminate documentation, but it's a little less clear just how lean we can really make our requirements without sacrificing quality. Mickey Merritt shares how to stay agile with requirements that are just the right fit for getting the job done.

Mickey Merritt's picture
Mickey Merritt
Neither Snow nor Rain nor Heat Stays Agile from the Post Office

Agile may not be the first word you think of in relation to the post office, but perhaps it deserves to be. With both the United States Post Office and the Australia Post touting their recent successes with the methodology, could we see a turnaround of their dire financial situations?

Noel Wurst's picture
Noel Wurst