
The Cloud Is Taking Predictive Analytics to New Heights

With the growth of cloud computing, smaller companies are taking advantage of the increased flexibility, decreased storage restraints, and expanded network of information available on the cloud. Read more to find out how the cloud could give your company an advantage in fulfilling customers' needs.

Cameron Philipp-Edmonds's picture
Cameron Philipp...
Tips for Picking the Right Software Technology

When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. You may have heard this quote before, but it applies well to software technology choices. The key to choosing an appropriate technology for a software solution is to avoid bias and carefully consider the requirements you know.

Jacob  Orshalick 's picture
Jacob Orshalick
The Analysis Software That Wrecked J.K. Rowling’s Anonymity

The literary world was shocked to find out the nobody author of a new novel was actually super-famous J.K. Rowling. Her secret was uncovered by using software programs and algorithms to analyze her writing—a method that could also reveal hackers and others who might want to be anonymous online.

Beth Romanik's picture
Beth Romanik
Not in the Mood: Why Emotion Prediction Software Will Annoy Many

Once you get over the cool factor of all the really neat things that can be done with emotion prediction software, you start to wonder just how much companies—specifically retailers—will use this information to gain access to not only your money but also your actual emotions and moods.

Noel Wurst's picture
Noel Wurst
Should You Measure Agile Adoption Effectiveness?

A frequent question when organizations are moving to agile is "What metrics should we use to measure our agile adoption?" What people really should be asking is "Should we measure our agile adoption?" The trick is to figure out what an appropriate measurement is. Kent McDonald examines some methods.

Kent J. McDonald's picture
Kent J. McDonald
IBM Supercomputer Watson Now a Customer Service Agent

Watson, IBM’s supercomputer that was introduced to the world on Jeopardy!, is trying out a new gig as a customer service agent. The artificial intelligence system will use its capacity to respond to natural language by answering call center customer service requests from everyday people.

Beth Romanik's picture
Beth Romanik
Ask Questions and Observe Language to Find State Transitions

Bugs that peek out during a window of vulnerability can make us think we’ve been outsmarted. But in their sleuthing bag testers have a powerful tool that can surface such issues: state modeling. Bonnie Bailey describes how to ask the right questions and observe language to find state transitions.

Bonnie Bailey's picture
Bonnie Bailey
Debating the Value of Google’s Big Flu Data

Google and the CDC are using big data to report the severity of the annual flu season and are even inviting developers to come up with their own ideas on what to do with the data. But is there something to be gained other than simply being the first to report the findings? We weigh in on the debate.

Noel Wurst's picture
Noel Wurst