
Framework A Framework for Scaling Continuous Testing across an Enterprise

Scaling agile and DevOps across a large enterprise is much more difficult than practicing it in smaller groups. Frameworks can help, but focus tends to be placed on development, so testing teams struggle to figure out how to best support faster development cycles. The ACT Framework puts the focus on continuous testing.

Mark Trinh's picture
Mark Trinh
Better Software Fall 2017 issue cover What’s in the Fall 2017 Issue of Better Software Magazine

Better Software magazine editor Ken Whitaker highlights content from the latest issue, including articles on bridging the divide between agile and waterfall, scaling agile through empowered teams, DevOps and IoT, and continuous development.

Ken Whitaker's picture
Ken Whitaker
Connected devices in the Internet of Things DevOps Helps Enterprises Deliver Better, Faster Software for the IoT

As the world becomes more connected, it’s changing the way we do things, especially in relation to software delivery. For starters, software development for IoT applications presents obstacles concerning security, privacy, and unified standards. But we need look no further than DevOps to find the answers.

Anders  Wallgren's picture
Anders Wallgren
Overcoming the Challenges of Integrating Configurator Software

A configurator can automate quotation documentation, streamline workforce efficiency, reduce errors, and improve customer satisfaction. However, introducing a configurator requires a considerable investment of time and resources. This story examines some common problems and suggests solutions.

Ron Mouw's picture
Ron Mouw
Managing Enterprise Application Portfolios Using Cloud Marketplaces

Cloud marketplaces, where customers can purchase component applications, have been around for a few years, but with an increasing interest in moving enterprise applications to cloud services, there is a new push to add features and functionality that appeal to not only their core SMB market segment.

Beth Cohen's picture
Beth Cohen
The Resurgence of Enterprise Software

Enterprise software has long existed and grown with changes in technology. During a shift in focus to mobile computing, mobile app development, and enterprises working to embrace the cloud, it would not be unfair to say that enterprise software was briefly sidelined―but it's making a resurgence.

Rajini  Padmanaban's picture
Rajini Padmanaban
Is Git a Good Fit for the Enterprise

Git has become the version control system of choice for many developers. It is relatively easy to use, has good repository integrity, and has a distributed architecture. But Git also has some limitations and can be challenging to support for large scale enterprise use. Read on for some practices.

Bob Aiello's picture
Bob Aiello
Scalability in Automated Testing

To scale automated functional testing for large, complex systems, you need to look at the design of the tests, how to organize the process, how the various players cooperate, the software's testability and stability—and, importantly, management's commitment. Hans Buwalda shares some testing tips.

Hans Buwalda's picture
Hans Buwalda