What’s in the Fall 2017 Issue of Better Software Magazine

The fall issue of Better Software magazine has taken some effort to keep to schedule. Most of our TechWell team is located in Jacksonville, Florida, and despite Hurricane Irma, everyone pitched in to get this issue out on time. There were power outages, flooding, and fear as we completed the editing phase and entered into production. Special thanks to everyone for their professionalism and dedication.
Now, let me tell you about the articles.
I didn't plan this, but our fall 2017 issue has three featured authors with the first name Steve! Our cover article is by Steve Mezak and according to Steve, the team must always reprioritize the product backlog. Work is only completed if the entire team agrees to a unified understanding of what “done” means.
Steve Elliott explores the benefits of adopting multiple software development approaches in “Bridging the Bimodal Divide between Waterfall and Agile.” Bob Costello shows how to successfully bring agile to the enterprise in “Scaling Agile Thinking through Empowered Teams.” Software leaders believe that teams will outperform expectations if you place full trust in them.
According to Steven Winter’s “The Impact of Quality Intelligence on DevOps and the IoT,” it isn’t enough to run test suites on software anymore. In this article, you’ll learn why providing fast and accurate test data is required to make better quality decisions.
Mike Sowers discusses current mainstream practices in “The New Normal for Software Development and Testing.” (Hint: Mike knows a lot about continuous testing and deployment.) Most of us developing software avoid creating project documentation that nobody uses. To determine how much technical documentation is necessary, don’t miss Sandeep Maher’s “How Agile Has Shrunk Documentation.”
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