process improvement
Why Losses Affect Us More Than Gains and What That Means at Work Loss aversion is the cognitive phenomenon that a loss of a dollar will make you more miserable than a gain of a dollar will make you happy. This causes people to make irrational decisions to ride out potential losses, whether it's sitting through a bad movie or continuing work on a failing project. |
Calculating the Real Cost of Multitasking on Your Projects The cost of delay due to multitasking is real. It’s invisible to most people, especially management. It’s not just the cost of time lost due to context switching; it’s the fact that projects don't get out on time, which hurts your maximum sales revenue. How do you calculate these costs of delay? |
The Dangers of Circumventing IT to Access the Cloud Being able to directly connect to the cloud for software solutions allows professionals in every department to take information systems out of the equation in many technology decisions. But these "shadow IT" projects can leave them open to security breaches, especially on mobile devices. Read on. |
The Cost of Delay for Not Shipping on Time The cost of delay is the way to think about the revenue you can lose plus the cost of continued development. When you delay your release and don’t ship on time, you miss the revenue from the maximum sales times. Shipping on time isn't always easy, but it's easy to see why you need to. |
Stop Working More Than Forty Hours a Week It's no secret that many businesses are demanding or encouraging employees to work more hours. But some people see overtime as a point of pride and brag about working eighty hours a week. This "cult of overwork" is detrimental not only to employees but also for the workplace. Read on to learn why. |
What Makes Collaboration Work No matter what field you're in or position you hold, chances are you sometimes have to collaborate with colleagues. And while collaboration can be made out to sound like a smooth process, the reality is that few teams can work well together for long. Read on for some tips on collaborating better. |
Nervous about Your Big Presentation? Don’t Try to Relax—Get Excited For years, people who experienced anxiety before being in the spotlight were advised to try to just keep themselves calm. But new research from the American Psychological Association suggests that getting excited before a presentation is more effective for decreasing anxiety than trying to relax. |
Email: Does It Help or Hinder Your Work Productivity? The invention of email was supposed to make communication and your life easier, but it can become disruptive to your work productivity. Read on for four easy and surefire ways to make email more efficient and your communication more effective—and to carve more time back into your workday. |