
Laptop showing HTML code Why UX Is More Important Than Coding

When it comes to your project succeeding, the quality of the code is secondary to user experience. That's because software is all about making users' jobs easier. If you start coding in a vacuum without understanding what your users need to do, you can't be sure you’re making the right thing. You need UX research.

Chris Spalton's picture
Chris Spalton
Mary Poppendieck Driving Agile Change: A Slack Takeover with Mary Poppendieck

Thought leaders from the software community are taking over the TechWell Hub to answer questions and engage in conversations. Writer, speaker, and author Mary Poppendieck hosted this Slack takeover and discussed all things agile, including how development has evolved over the decades and how to implement agile changes.

Kelly McGee's picture
Kelly McGee
Code on a computer screen Pros and Cons of Codeless Test Automation

To create automated tests for software applications, testers have historically needed to be able to code in programming languages. Codeless testing eliminates the need for scripting from scratch every time, but in addition to its advantages, there are also some drawbacks. Is codeless automation right for your team?

Kuldeep Rana's picture
Kuldeep Rana
Person creating tests with code 2 Ways to Get Better at Test Automation

Many people in testing roles want to grow their skills and learn to build some tests with code. But no matter how well you test, automation is programming work. If you want to get better at automation, your best bet is to get into a role where you are dealing with code. Here are two ways you can break in and learn.

Justin Rohrman's picture
Justin Rohrman
Big data code When to Use MapReduce with Big Data

MapReduce is a programming model for distributed computation on big data sets in parallel. It's a module in the Apache Hadoop open source ecosystem, and a range of queries may be done based on the algorithms available. Here's when it's suitable (and not suitable) to use MapReduce for generating and processing data.

Deepak Vohra's picture
Deepak Vohra
Steve Smith Building Maintainable Software: A Slack Takeover with Steve Smith

Thought leaders from the software community are taking over the TechWell Hub to answer questions and engage in conversations. Software architect and trainer Steve Smith, founder of Ardalis Services, hosted this Slack takeover and discussed producing testable code, writing maintainable tests, and boosting employability.

Beth Romanik's picture
Beth Romanik
Broken ceramic plate Overcoming Test-Driven Damage

Some say test-driven development may work well initially, but as soon as we start to refactor our code, it breaks old tests and requires us to write new ones. This is not the fault of TDD; it’s the way we’re using it. TDD remains a valuable way to verify code as we write it, so we need to repair our test-driven damage.

David Bernstein's picture
David Bernstein
Laptop with colorful code on a black screen Is Everything Code?

As modern software processes become automated, one might argue that nearly everything in software development is code. Obviously, our software applications are comprised of code, but that’s only the start of it. Our tests, delivery orchestration, and someday even our software production could be automated.

Jeffery Payne's picture
Jeffery Payne