quality assurance

ladybug Software Teams Aren’t Taking Bug Reporting Seriously Enough

Of the things that are being sacrificed for speed, proper bug reporting is high on the list. Because it’s so easy to quickly update applications on the fly and push out fixes within days or even hours rather than weeks or months, plenty of teams assume it’s OK to ship something with a high volume of bugs.

Josiah Renaudin's picture
Josiah Renaudin
meaning Understanding the True Meaning of Quality

Day-to-day testing techniques, strategy, approach, and automation are all things that teams understand and will continue to implement, but how many teams understand the elements of purpose, belonging, transcendence, and storytelling as they apply to software quality?

Mukesh Sharma's picture
Mukesh Sharma
Puzzle piece The Role of Testers on Agile Teams

Some agile teams have so fully embraced the idea of the development team owning quality that they don't hire anyone with a testing background, instead making software engineers responsible for all phases of quality. Still, testers add value to a team in many ways that don’t involve test execution. Where do they fit in?

Steve Berczuk's picture
Steve Berczuk
Cyber security 4 Cyber-Security Actions to Protect from Attacks

With breaches and computer hacks, companies constantly need to keep information safe. If there are loopholes in your security process, you are putting your product—and customers—at risk. Here are four actions every security-conscious company and individual should implement to avoid becoming a victim of cyber attacks.

Ray Parker's picture
Ray Parker
Programming code 5 Tips for Balancing Manual and Automated Software Testing

Both manual and automated testing are usually necessary to deliver a quality product. We must balance our manual and automated testing activities to achieve both the deployment speed and software quality our customers demand. While there is no one answer for how to do this, here are five tips that can be helpful.

Jeffery Payne's picture
Jeffery Payne
Better Software Fall 2017 issue cover What’s in the Fall 2017 Issue of Better Software Magazine

Better Software magazine editor Ken Whitaker highlights content from the latest issue, including articles on bridging the divide between agile and waterfall, scaling agile through empowered teams, DevOps and IoT, and continuous development.

Ken Whitaker's picture
Ken Whitaker
Containers Performance Testing for Our Modern, DevOps World

As DevOps-based methodologies are more broadly adopted, we'll increasingly move to a continuous testing model. Containerized environments and microservices make it easier to optimize your application by validating changes to the environment or system configuration, allowing you to deliver better products faster.

Paola Rossaro's picture
Paola Rossaro
Internet of things applications 3 Proven Strategies for High-Quality IoT Applications

IoT apps extend test activities to more devices, test cases, and compliance requirements. Handling this extension while maintaining high quality can be done with planning, innovation, and careful execution. Here are three recommendations for expanding your test strategies to ensure high-quality IoT applications.

Amir Rozenberg's picture
Amir Rozenberg