test-driven development

Behavior-Driven Development: The Outside-In Approach

Behavior-driven development (BDD) is a software development practice that is utilized by many agile teams. BDD is an evolution of test-driven development but with an important distinction—it is outside-in. Scott Sehlhorst provides a business analyst’s understanding of BDD.

Scott Sehlhorst's picture
Scott Sehlhorst
What Is Acceptance Test-Driven Development?

We help define the concept of acceptance test-driven development with the help of an interview between Ken Pugh and Ade Shokoya. As we raise the level of collaboration and shift the relationship between testers and developers, we realize the potential for faster, better products.

Noel Wurst's picture
Noel Wurst
Big Data's Role in Winning and Losing the Election

The Romney campaign certainly embraced social media and technology as a whole more than the GOP in 2008, but an election day failure of their secret weapon may have cost them key votes. While some are claiming that hacking brought it down, many more are saying it was a lack of stress testing.

Noel Wurst's picture
Noel Wurst
The Testing Lean Coffee Experiment

The Lean Coffee process is a great way for a diverse group of people to discuss topics that are meaningful and relevant to all participants. Lisa Crispin writes about her experience experimenting with a testing version of the Lean Coffee™ format.

Lisa Crispin's picture
Lisa Crispin