The Lean Coffee process is a great way for a diverse group of people to discuss topics that are meaningful and relevant to all participants. Lisa Crispin writes about her experience experimenting with a testing version of the Lean Coffee™ format.
Lisa Crispin is co-author of Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for Testers and Agile Teams and Extreme Testing and a contributor to Beautiful Testing. Lisa has worked as a tester on agile teams for the past ten years and enjoys sharing her experiences via writing, presenting, teaching, and participating in agile testing communities around the world. Visit
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All Stories by Lisa Crispin
To succeed in testing, you need both technical awareness and creative thinking skills because testing is an art. Don't get bogged down by business demands and time pressure. Take the necessary time to learn and experiment with better ways to improve the quality of your product.
Agile teams can create software quickly, but how quickly can they gather and process feedback from customers? Here is one team's experience, with some tips and resources to help you introduce a community of practice in your own organization.
The concept of self-organizing teams is one of the most important foundations of successful software development but also one that is often misunderstood.
In the past few weeks, I’ve been looking for ways to apply the techniques of pull conversations to getting specifications from our customers. Pull conversation techniques advise us to let go of our own assumptions and judgments and to try to put ourselves into our stakeholders’ world.
Many testers feel they are spending more time than they'd like like to refactor and maintain GUI tests. Applying the page object pattern, you can create UI tests that are less brittle and cost less to maintain.
Agile teams deliver business value frequently, adapting to the changing needs of the business, while working at a sustainable pace (paraphrasing Elisabeth Hendrickson’s Agile Acid Test). What’s the secret to achieving true “agility”? Why do so many software teams fail to achieve it?