test techniques

devops testing Why DevTestOps Might Be the Next Big Buzzword

The hope with any new concept is that it produces better results while removing certain tedious steps that might cause frustration along the way. While DevOps does change the way you test, you cannot forget that testing is still a major layer to your success.

Josiah Renaudin's picture
Josiah Renaudin
Arrow expanding testing Continuous Exploratory Testing: Expanding Critical Testing across the Delivery Cycle

Continuous testing entails executing automated tests to obtain rapid feedback on business risks. Where does that leave exploratory testing? Obviously, it doesn’t make sense to repeat the same exploratory tests across and beyond a sprint, but exploratory testing can be a continuous part of each software delivery cycle.

Ingo Philipp's picture
Ingo Philipp
chess pieces Why Smart Testing Requires Strategy and Flexibility

You can’t expect to achieve successful testing without the proper strategy, but you also can’t create a strategy that doesn’t allow you to adapt along the way. Think about why you’re testing, and be confident enough to change course if you feel it can benefit your team and project.

Josiah Renaudin's picture
Josiah Renaudin
strumming a guitar Why Musicians Can Make for the Best Testers

Testers need to be both creative and analytical, and those are two features that are very common in musicians. Sure, it might not be writing code, but we’re learning more and more that the building blocks and innate qualities that make for good testers can be more important than the testing skills themselves.

Josiah Renaudin's picture
Josiah Renaudin
people holding hands Testers, It’s Time to Become Best Friends with Your Developers

If you want to create software in the modern era and maximize the skills of your entire team, you can’t do things the way they’ve always been done. And going back to the late-stage testing example, you just can’t do things the traditional way anymore.

Josiah Renaudin's picture
Josiah Renaudin
Test automation—gears What We Talk about When We Talk about Test Automation

Testers talking about test automation often mean browser automation. Developers are probably talking about unit testing or something at the service layer. And operations people are most likely thinking of monitoring and the guts that control continuous integration. But the practices are more important than terminology.

Justin Rohrman's picture
Justin Rohrman
person with hand on chin thinking Test Automation Cannot Be an Afterthought

In software testing, automation can be viewed as an editor, of sorts. Previously, manual testers had to be extremely thorough to guarantee quality since they were the final check before products got into the hands of users. Now, testers can lean on automation tools to catch any bugs that might have been missed.

Josiah Renaudin's picture
Josiah Renaudin
ducks in a row What It Takes to Be an Effective Leader in Software Testing

Similar to the discussion of “How much test automation do I need?” the answer often depends on your team’s makeup and what sort of product you’re making. There isn’t a perfect equation, but there are still general, proven qualities that lead to better software and happier software testers.

Josiah Renaudin's picture
Josiah Renaudin