customer experience

Customer support team member Standing Up Your Product Help Desk

Great technical support is an integral part of any software commercialization plan. But how can you get high-quality tech support without breaking the bank? Here are some ways to economically provide technical support that adds value and educates customers on using your product correctly, safely, and effectively.

Brianne O'Brien's picture
Brianne O'Brien
Man shaking client's hand To Serve Clients Better, Learn Their Perspective

If your goal is to improve service delivery to your customers, it's a good idea to ask for and incorporate input from those very customers. Invite your clients to outline priorities, get clarification on points that confuse them, and vent frustrations. They'll appreciate being heard, and you'll both learn a lot.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
Clipboard with customer feedback indicating good and bad experiences The Right Way to Respond to Customer Feedback

Due to time constraints and other logistical issues, it’s not always possible to respond to customers about their feedback. But when it is possible, the impact on the customers can be strongly positive if you make your response personal. Here are some things to keep in mind the next time you gather customer feedback.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
Cover of the Summer 2018 issue of Better Software magazine What's in the Summer 2018 Issue of Better Software Magazine

For twenty years now, Better Software magazine has published articles offering helpful tips and techniques for those in the software industry. The new issue celebrates those two decades of knowledge-sharing—and, of course, gives you more ideas. Articles this issue focus on leadership and software quality.

Ken Whitaker's picture
Ken Whitaker
Image of two people overlapping to show empathy Develop Stronger Client Relationships through Empathetic Action

There’s a big difference between simply saying "I feel your pain" and displaying evidence of empathy. When dealing with clients' complaints and issues, do more than try to understand what they're going through. Aim to communicate early, often, and with sincere concern. It will improve the situation for them—and you.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
Excellent customer satisfaction What Not to Do if You Want Satisfied Customers

You may think that overperforming would ingratiate you to your customers. But customers don't always want you to go above and beyond—often, they just want what they asked for. Don't fall for this common misconception. The trick to customer satisfaction is delivering just what they want—and good communication.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
When It’s OK to Ignore Company Policy

Most company policies have their roots in good practices, but over time, an organization's goals can change so much that a policy does not support those goals any longer. It’s important for employees to be able to use their own judgment and feel comfortable going to supervisors about making exceptions.

Lee Copeland's picture
Lee Copeland
The Risk of Negative Customer Experiences

If people have a positive customer experience, they tell a few friends, but if they have a negative one, they tell everyone—and now that social media have made sharing so easy, no flaw, delay, or mistake seems too small to complain about. More than ever, it's important to create positive customer experiences.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten