
It's Time to Reform Non-Compete Agreements

Non-compete agreements in the tech industry are very common; however, studies show that only 24 percent of the workforce actually know trade secrets that need to be protected through non-compete agreements. Rajini Padmanaban looks at non-compete agreements and the reasons to reform them.

Rajini  Padmanaban's picture
Rajini Padmanaban
The Potential Problem with Hiring Smart People

Believe it or not, intelligence is not always an asset; it can breed hubris, excessive self-confidence, and a superiority complex. Therefore, when hiring, it's important to seek people who exhibit humility about their abilities, and to weed out the know-it-alls who want to be the one-stop decision-maker.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
Where Are All the Great Software Testers?

It can be difficult to find great software testers for senior roles; often, the people you want to hire are the ones who are already gainfully employed. Michael Sowers gives his suggestions for identifying qualified and experienced software engineers who can deliver on senior testing role accountabilities.

Michael Sowers's picture
Michael Sowers
Have You Ever Lied on Your Resume?

Have you ever lied on your resume? If so, you're not alone—according to one study, more than half of job applications reviewed contained lies—and these are just the ones that were found. Even CEOs have done it! However, that doesn't mean you should. Read on to find out why it's not worth the risk.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
A Quicker, More Effective Hiring Solution Is on the Way

Given the increasing demand for software talent, hiring is a big task in the IT world. But a startup has an idea for a platform that would help bring objectivity to the entire hiring process, from data collection to skill assessment to prospect evaluation. Would you trust your hiring to the cloud?

Mukesh Sharma's picture
Mukesh Sharma
Own Your Career

Owning your career means being accountable for your actions, both current and future. This is critical in today's dynamic environment. Gone are the days when companies employ people for a lifetime and employees stay in the same spot. Read up on some of today's software testing industry dynamics.

Michael Sowers's picture
Michael Sowers
Avoid Predictable Staffing Mistakes in an Economic Recovery

An economic downturn puts pressure on management to control costs, and sometimes, not much can be done about that. But it's important not to carry these penny-pinching habits into a recovery. There are observable patterns to labor costs that can help predict problems likely to happen in 2015.

Payson Hall's picture
Payson Hall
Women in Technology Redux

Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, is the latest of many male technology leaders who has stuck his foot firmly in his mouth on the topic of female advancement. His comments raise questions on just how far women have come and what can be done to implement fairer and more effective hiring practices.

Beth Cohen's picture
Beth Cohen