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Software Success Depends on Getting Your App Properly Tested from the Jump Quality can’t be just another box you need to check off at the very bottom of your to-do list. If you don’t properly test your application—whether that’s through traditional manual work or strategic automation—there’s a significant chance the final product won’t find a real audience. |
Where to Begin with Test Automation Most test teams want to try automation for some tasks in order to be more efficient, but it can be daunting. If you are wondering where to start automating, the answer is usually as close to the code as you can possibly get. The farther you get from the code, the more you expose yourself to issues. |
3 Fundamentals of a Successful Testing Team When it comes to equipping a QA team to reduce risk, test quality, and deliver world-class products, there are more important things than tools. Fundamentals such as a common language, core testing concepts, and a smart automation strategy are essential to setting up testing teams for success. |
Your Test Automation Framework Is Just as Important as Your Tools If you don’t have the proper automation framework, the actual tools you use don’t pack near as powerful a punch. This framework allows you to better organize your reports and develop metrics through your test automation. |
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The Problem with Software Measurement and Metrics Many software practices rely on setting target numbers for the team to hit. But when a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure. People start gaming the system by changing their behavior in such a way to favorably adjust the measure in order to achieve the target. Don't get hung up on metrics. |
How Agile Bridges the Major Gaps between Development and Testing Agile, by its very nature, is about collaboration. The developers work alongside the testers, the testers see eye-to-eye (at least in most cases) with the developers, and there’s just a more flexible nature to the team itself. It is meant to bridge the major gaps within teams. |