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A Win-Win versus a Win-Lose Approach to Conflict Too often when people address a conflict, they take an I-win-you-lose approach. That distracts from focusing on opportunities for agreement and can make ongoing relationships difficult. When people have to work together, the wise approach is one that serves the best interests of both parties. |
Is It Possible to Stay Ahead of Technology Shifts? Staying ahead of technology shifts is one of the key challenges that organizations face, but is it possible to always stay ahead? Anuj Magazine highlights how some of the top companies have succeeded and failed to stay ahead of technology shifts, including Microsoft, Cisco, Nokia, Apple, and Google. |
Can Google Glass Help Those with Autism? Brain Power, a Cambridge start-up, is attempting to use Google Glass to help those on the autism spectrum who may have difficulty learning and interacting, including social interactions, speech delays, learning to control certain behaviors, and help with recognizing and forming abstract groupings. |
Ignore the Data at Your Own Risk At work, the evidence of something worth paying attention to is often front and center, and yet we dismiss it. If you ignore the data—negative survey results, team member absences, an increase in bugs, stakeholders who repeatedly miss meetings, etc.—you could be overlooking signs of trouble. |
The Potential for DevOps in Fighting Cyber Warfare Government hacking incidents have put cyber warfare in the news. DevOps actually presents an interesting arsenal. With DevOps, your systems have excellent environment monitoring and are cryptographically verifiable such that the slightest penetration or unauthorized change is immediately detected. |
DevOps Can Be Secure and Agile at the Same Time When it comes to DevOps, the goal is to move applications from development, to test, and then eventually to deployment as quickly and efficiently as possible. However, you can still be agile while having a safe, properly security-tested DevOps environment. |
Autocorrect Fail! The Much-Needed Evolution for This Technology One feature many of us rely on daily is autocorrect. We have all probably experienced the positive and negative sides of autocorrect, and from our experiences with the negative, there are some elements and features we should consider to improve the future evolution of this technology. |
How Challenging Your Beliefs Can Improve Your Work The psychological term "confirmation bias" means that once you have a certain belief, you tend to see evidence that supports that belief and to ignore, belittle, or miss evidence that refutes it. This can make you narrow-minded. Instead, try to seek evidence that challenges or refutes your beliefs. |