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Is There a Bias against Manual Testers? Manual testing might not be as all-important as it once was, but it’s still needed if you have any hope of delivering software at a quality you can be proud of. How we create software is going to continue to change, but the burden of that change needs to be handled by more than one group within the industry. |
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How to Get Started Automating Your API Tests When designing a test automation strategy, an area that is often overlooked is automating API testing. API test scripts are faster and easier to write than other types of scripts and can be fairly simple tests. An added benefit is that API testing can be included in your continuous integration tools for quick feedback. |
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Security Testers Should Think like Hackers It is a common belief that testers should think like end-users by going beyond the defined requirements, seeing if the application under test addresses end-user expectations, and evaluating how it fares against competition. But with security testing, testers have to think not only like end-users, but also like hackers. |
At What Point Will Automation Take Over Manual Testing? Better automation tools, the evolution of AI, AVM, visual testing—what’s going to make automation continue to spread through teams is the improvement of all the different solutions out there. And what should be encouraging to testers is the fact that just about every option requires smart, educated testers. |
Make a Point of Appreciating Others—and Yourself Offering appreciation is an easy yet powerful way to acknowledge a coworker’s efforts. It’s one of the best ways to say thank you. There are many ways to show appreciation, including verbally in person, over the phone or by email, or writing a note. And while you're at it, reflect on what you appreciate about yourself. |