Many testers want to learn a programming language, but how should they decide which one? Justin Rohrman suggests finding an authentic problem to solve and moving from there to determine which language would be best. You can also ask developer coworkers for suggestions and help—take advantage of available resources.
I have been a professional software tester in various capacities since 2005. In my current role, I am a consulting software tester and writer working with Excelon Development. Outside of work, I am currently serving on the Association For Software Testing Board of Directors as VP of Education helping to facilitate and develop projects like BBST and WHOSE. I am also a student in the Miagi-Do school of software testing, and facilitate sessions for Weekend Testing Americas.
I am deeply interested in software testing and delivery, and also helping organizations fix problems in measurement and metrics programs.
All Stories by Justin Rohrman
Testers talking about test automation often mean browser automation. Developers are probably talking about unit testing or something at the service layer. And operations people are most likely thinking of monitoring and the guts that control continuous integration. But the practices are more important than terminology.
There is a prevalent question in the software world these days: Who should be working on automation—developers or testers? Justin Rohrman says it can be everyone's responsibility. It’s more important to look at the structure of your technical team, what skill sets are available, and what the skill distribution is.
Record and playback shouldn’t be a nightmare to deal with. One key for useful UI automation in any tool is abstracting at the right level. Take a cue from coded solutions like WebDriver and its Page Object pattern, and do something similar with record and playback tools to abstract away all the scary bits.
For testers interested in moving into test automation, Justin Rohrman usually suggests that they get started by learning to write a little code—more specifically, working with their software's API. You don't have to jump into tooling just yet. You can begin testing the data and workflow of the API first. Here's how.
There are a lot of hidden assumptions behind monitoring for modern software development methods such as DevOps. Some think software testing is avoidable and discovering problems in production and fixing them later is okay. But monitoring isn't meant to replace skilled testing. For the best quality, use both together.
Testing and checking, like a lot of language in software testing, is there in order to more precisely describe something we are already doing. However, there is a strange plague of people who feel the need to police others' language whenever they try to use the terms interchangeably. What we need is more understanding.