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Person about to shoot a rubber band at a coworker Is There a Place for Pranks in the Office?

Some people think pulling pranks in the office is the height of hilarity. But they should remember that what they view as funny may not be viewed that way by those on the receiving end. There are many opportunities in the workplace for a joke to backfire. Before you think about pulling a prank, think it through.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
Sunlight breaking through clouds Features of Serverless Cloud Platforms

With the advent of serverless computing, several serverless platforms have become available, precluding the requirement to provision and expose the infrastructure needed on a server-based compute environment. Let’s examine some of the features to expect in a serverless platform so you can know what to prioritize.

Deepak Vohra's picture
Deepak Vohra
Game pieces with a leader facing the other pieces Leadership in a Time of Crisis

There’s an old saying that leadership is defined by what a leader does in a crisis. The current COVID-19 situation is such a crisis for every business. Whether you lead just yourself, a team, a line of business, or an enterprise, now is the time to step up and be a leader. Here's how to do that when times are tough.

Jeffery Payne's picture
Jeffery Payne
Rocks stacked on the beach Building Levels of Testing in Software Development

Quality is now considered everyone's responsibility, and many developers are acquiring testing skills to validate their code before it gets to dedicated quality engineers. But where should you start? Consider beginning with unit tests that help you write better code, then building to integration tests and E2E testing.

Jennifer Robison's picture
Jennifer Robison
Laptop showing HTML code Why UX Is More Important Than Coding

When it comes to your project succeeding, the quality of the code is secondary to user experience. That's because software is all about making users' jobs easier. If you start coding in a vacuum without understanding what your users need to do, you can't be sure you’re making the right thing. You need UX research.

Chris Spalton's picture
Chris Spalton
A tester going over software code 8 Questions to Ask before Fixing a Defect

Some defects require a fix, without a doubt. But not all defects are created equal, so careful thought should be applied before a defect is fixed. The goal isn’t to fix every reported defect; it’s to return value to the customer and profit to the company. These eight questions can help in the decision-making process.

Richard Estra's picture
Richard Estra
Clear lightbulbs showing clouds behind them Choosing a Cloud Computing Platform

With so many options for cloud computing platforms, it can be tough to narrow them down. Focus on the most important features for your work: Do you want a server-based platform or serverless? What support do you need for your OS and software? What other services do you want integrated? These are the questions to ask.

Deepak Vohra's picture
Deepak Vohra
Architect designing a new structure Key Factors for an Efficient System Architecture Design

Software architecture is all about trying to bring structure to areas that can’t be structured easily. When an architect designs a system, service, or feature, they are formulating a comprehensive solution to a unique problem. The concepts here help create a scalable, accessible, secure, and cost-friendly architecture.

Kunal Chauhan's picture
Kunal Chauhan